
Beyond the obscure world of our western beliefs that reduce the symbolism of the skull to an expression of death forgetting that it first of all represents in the same tradition the [ Seat of the Mind and the Soul], there is a gap in the light by which our consciousness can finally take flight, freed from all these ancestral fears…

Going beyond the limits of a tradition reduces to its beliefs obsolete; we are entering a new World, where the Crystal Skull becomes Initiator thanks to the nobility of his matter, making it [Time Keeper] and [Custodian of Terrestrial and Cosmic Memories]…


Crystal Skulls are [Enlightened High-Frequency Consciousness], with great therapeutic and guiding capabilities.

They are full-fledged Presences, Multi and Inter-Dimensional Consciences able of interacting on all the plans of the Living.

A true and subtle communication arises between them and what is found close or far. They become the preferred [Awakeners and Harmony Source] of beings and places with which they are involved.

Crystal skulls express themselves on several levels…

1) Their wave form interacts in a direct way with the human skull and, in a particular way, with the energy functions and vibration of the pineal and pituitary glands…

La-glándula-pineal-y-el-tercer-ojo1The pineal gland, also called 3rd Eye, is an endocrine gland which coordinates biological and vital rhythms such as sleep, reproductive cycles, migratory orientation, etc… It contains micro-crystals of apatite which pick up electromagnetic fields of the Earth, of the Moon and of the Sun.

It is an [antenna] capable of detecting the unseen invisible dimensions, allowing us to reach Subtle and Spiritual Realms. It has the [Quantum Vision throughout the Worlds]…


mO5bIND5XH9JoO8V1FC6oLmCPdo@500x250The Pituitary Gland is connected to the Creation.  It controls the cellular structure and sets the cellular dimension.  There is an exchange electro biological and bio-electromagnetic between it and the pineal gland. They are also connected by a very subtle capillary canal that disappears after death… It is said that the pituitary gland contains the [Atom of Christ]…




2) The crystalline material, itself several million years old, is a carrier of Cosmic and Earthly Memories. It is a true living library who retains information and releases it when the time is right to who is asking for it. The crystal quartz or rock crystal is the material which has the most exalted degree of order on the planet, and so, working with the crystal allows us to send order and peace to a site, a person or a situation.

The Crystal Skulls come into resonance with the layered crystal of the Living, and, in particular, the Master Cell. Inner core around which all body component to be built and that contains the Spark of the Original Consciousness and the memory of all the souls’ incarnations.  It is, in sort, the Primary Cell… the Cosmic Cell

The Skulls activate the mineral fluid which allows us to preserve the Earth’s Memory, and that of our own Memory connected to the Universe…


They are Accelerators of Consciousness that facilitate an intense cellular awakening. They scrutinize our Being to the deepest core, understanding the way of energy blocks and their necessary acceptations, to then open and affirm the necessary self-healing circuits.

The Crystal Skulls contains True Wisdom. They also contain the [before this incarnation] frequency of the soul and what it will be beyond this incarnation’s experiences. They are in sort, depositary of Human Perfection…

They all possess a Signature Sound, which in general, summarizes the character of their presence.  Sometimes a name [known or unknown] energetically related to the one that wore it; sometimes a [strange word] that only them know of its origins.  This allows us to personify these intelligences of another species, which sometimes come forward and introduce themselves…

These Beings of Light are guardians of vast and multidimensional knowledge…

Each one has its own provenance, its own story, its own reliance’s and connection to the Universal Frame and so has its own role towards humanity…

The Crystal Skulls are doted of an individual and collective consciousness and have a special particularity in as such as they are all inter-connected, and this for all time and in a carrier-network of a supra-frequency destined to accompany you, to healing, to a space-time evolution of Conscience and Life.

They enter your life just as a human being can and leave an imprint in the heart and the soul of those who crosses their path…

The contact with the Crystal Skulls is felt along the lines of a Frequency Call producing a partnership of Awakening and Healing…




They have entered my life in such a way that I have the feeling that it is them who chose to come to me. What more can I say…

When the Call came, resistance was futile. Synchronicity after synchronicity … Everything took its place to produce this result… Meetings and introductions revealed themselves as Evidences… Now, new doors are opening themselves to me and you can but imagine their impacts on my life… And I feel as though it is only a beginning….

The popular acceptation was that the subject of the Crystal Skulls would fade away following the December 2012 hype. But no, it was only a beginning!

Once upon a …….Belief….


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Guardians of the Crystal Skulls



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