Philippe-William Sinclair

Philippe-William Sinclair

Greetings, for those of you who do not know me, I am a deep trance medium, speaker and writer.

In the past 25 years, I have given nearly 3,000 lectures here in Quebec, and also in Europe and in the Dominican Republic.

I am the Instigator of the « Lumino-Energetic», of the « Keys of Metatron » and of the « Collective Healing Techniques »

Masso-Therapist, Réflexologist, Hypnotherapist since the early 90`s.
I am Trainer and Consultant specializing in North-American Feng Shui for more than 35 years.

In the middle 70`s at the Centre Sri Aurobindo de Montréal, I learned meditating and contemplating techniques which I still practice in my day to day life. This allows me to find my centre, my equilibrium, between here, the 3rd dimension, and many other planes of consciousness.

Living with being a medium since birth, I only became really conscious of this fact between the ages of 10 or 11. I evolved, and grew up with so many unexplainable sensations but thankfully, throughout my life, so many people were there to guide me and to allow me to grow in harmony with all that being a medium entailed, the impacts it had all along this Way of Life.

I was born in October 1959, the day following the death of the Quebec Prime Minister, Maurice LeNoblet Duplessis, and through his demise, the end the Great Period of Darkness.

I was the oldest child and, although living in a family just like all suburban families, I grew up in a very unusual environment; meeting people belonging to societies with very precise goals in the fields of the occult, the esoteric, hermetic and initiatory sciences. What luck I had!

Despite dyslexia, I studied in International Law, something that could have provided me with a secure future. But, as time went on, I came to the realization that it was truly not what I wanted to do for the rest of my days. So, I decided to follow what was for me a passion, that which we cannot logically explain! As you can easily imagine, I floored my parents, but I needed to be true to myself. And, I have no regret!

Thirsty for knowledge and inspiration for the soul, I travelled the world. I have visited nearly 30 countries in North America, Central America, the Caraïbes, Europe, Africa, the Middle-East and the Pacific and some of these more than 20 times. I have visited many enigmatic places looking for great civilizations, now extinct, to better understand the different enigmas surrounding them. Climbing the highest peaks of the Rockies, the Laurentides, of Charlevoix, the Appalachian Mountains, the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Pico del Cristal just to find a way to get closer to the Divine. I have crossed many deserts more than once such as those in United States and in Mexico, crossing the Sahara from Libya to Mauritany to find silence, solitude and internal peace.

Many newspaper articles and reviews had articles about me being a medium and also wrote of an Extraordinary Meeting I had with a Hollywood Star, which became for me, the springboard for all that was to follow, up to now. I did many radio and TV appearances and even had my own radio show treating subjects like esoteric sciences, the paranormal, mediumnity, Feng Shui, Ovnis etc. I have written many texts for books, magazines, newspaper and internet on the subject of mediumnity, paranormal, Ovnis, the contacted, and of Crystal Skulls. Having experienced my first extra-terrestrial contacts when I was very young, I kept it mostly secret until recently as I feared the loss of friends or of being ridiculed. I have now realized that the time has come to speak out, to open up to those who may be able to understand.

Since my teenage years I have had a major passion, and it is that of Rennes-le-Château and it’s mysteries. Even if the majority of people are being hooked by this mystery since the launch of the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, I was into it since the 70`s. Fascinated by this history, that of the mysteries surrounding this Aude village situated in Cathare territory, in 1992 and for many years in a row, I have spent long holidays there. I am in love with the region and I cherish all the encounters I had and the memories that remain so vivid in my mind since my last visit… But everything changes and nothing remains the same… So sad… But, for me, I think that there are still many more discoveries to be made in that region, regarding the Bugarach… Who knows?

And now what is there to say of my meeting and my love of Crystal Skulls? Since the middle of the 90`s my interest has kept on growing and it has become for me a true Quest. And, as no coincidences exist, I received as a gift my first Crystal Skull named Star Child… After that they kept coming and I now have around 20 from all around the world. They have become for me a true crystalline family with which I have been able to live many inexplicable and paranormal experiences. What a story that is, and I believe it is only the beginning, the tip of the iceberg.

I have now been able to host meetings where many hundreds of skulls can be reunited in the same room. At those meetings-conferences, there are people coming from the 4 corners of the province of Quebec and/or from other places. On Sunday, November 22nd 2015, we were able to reunite more than 700 Crystal skulls… Just imagine the Energy that was present at that meeting!… You may click on this link: november 22nd 2015

So now, I hope that you have a better idea of who I am and I hope that every lecture on my site may bring you some sense of Wellbeing and I hope that you can experience the Quest that lives in me.

Welcome and enjoy….
