Here are the different stones and their properties.  You will understand that I can not put all the stones that exist on our beautiful and gorgeous planet, there are both.  But I will pass the main for you to learn more about the benefits they may have on us and our surroundings.  On this page I put the stones which can be cut to create the skulls.

The stones radiate their beneficial effects on us, so imagine when they are cut and carved to make of Skulls.  At this moment, an incredible and powerful effect is on our consciousness.  These are the keys of the dimensional portals …


listfirst-8AGATE   Composed of microscopic crystals of Quartz laid down in colorful bands or ribbons. The appearance of the stone is waxy and soft. Almost always translucent and occasionally transparent. Agates are grounding stones. Agates are one of the oldest good luck stones. They help obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence. Agate enables the person wearing it to choose their friends carefully. Used to avert from lighting and stormy weather (physically and metaphysically), agate brings prosperity. It is a protector of children. This stone helps us to have patience, and allows for inner peace. Use agate as a gazing tool for divination and meditation. Agate balances emotions and brings insight to any situation.

listfirst-30AMBER   Amber has electromagnetic properties. Rubbing a piece of amber with a cloth, will build up an electric charge that makes it attract small items such as wood shavings, paper and straw. It is excellent at detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and other people’s energies. Due to its strong connection to nature and the earth, amber is a great stone for grounding our higher energies. Amber can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression and suicidal thoughts therefore, bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid, which makes it a good stone for studying. Amber is used for past life work, divination and scrying. It aligns mental and emotional bodies via its deep orange and yellow color.

listfirst-9AMETHYST   The stone of spirituality and dream recall . Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions. Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. Wear when sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra. Amethyst contains the grounding color of red with the energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and flow of peace. Amethyst is the color that you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this transition from the magic time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this threshold is the lesson of humility , which Amethyst can teach us. This stone can show us how to let go and trust; surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can receive more; and bow, that you may become a part of the greater whole. Amethyst is considered a Master Healing stone.

listfirst-25APATITE   The Skull of the Higher Self encourages each of us to look within ourselves and become aware of our individual divinity, and to recognize this aspect is what connects us with each other and with our reality. It is here in our own spiritual consciousness that we are able to expand outward and not only connect to, but also manipulate and alter, the physical world we are currently experiencing. The Skull of the Higher Self offers us the energy and inspiration to begin to develop our own talents of using more than just our physical bodies and our mental processes to interact with each other and with the world.

With its extraordinary and intense energy, The Skull of the Higher Self motivates us to begin our journey of spiritual awakening, to come to know, to understand, and to be our true nature. The Skull of the Higher Self blue apatite crystal skull urges us to change the priorities in our lives to focus on sharing the love that we are with the people who are brought to us for the purpose of their enlightenment.

Apatite is one of the few minerals produced and used by biological systems, and when combined with hydrogen and oxygen, apatite becomes the crystalline hydroxyapatite which comprises the majority of tooth enamel and bone mineral. When the oxygen and hydrogen are absent, phosphates are substituted to form a rarer form of apatite that constitutes the majority of our bone material.

Apatite naturally occurs in several colors, most often yellow to yellow/green. In it’s less common blue form, it becomes one of the most intense blues of the crystal kingdom. Though it is translucent, often the blue is so concentrated that it is impossible to see very deep into the crystal. It is a very beautiful crystal with an amazing energy.

Apatite enhances mental activities and encourages the understanding that strength of character and the ability to endure and learn from the challenges of life comes from being loving and through spiritual pursuits. Apatite disperses and eliminates negative thoughts and energies, and feelings of detachment, indifference, and superiority, helping one to overcome the tendency to withdraw from reality in unhealthy ways.

The energy of apatite inspires compassion for, and consideration of, other people, encouraging altruism and selflessness. It has an energy which promotes healing, balancing of energies, and communication, enabling the storing of information and supporting the sharing of knowledge and teaching. It excels in matters of acquiring knowledge, and assists in the process of learning through observation as well as through personal experiences. By dispelling confusion and quieting disassociated thoughts in the mind, apatite helps one to receive information and knowledge. Apatite helps one to use what is learned for one’s own self as well as for others.

Apatite inspires ingenuity and imagination. Apatite also inspires honesty and integrity, facilitating the concept of experiencing freedom as a result of being truthful. The energy of apatite assists one to achieve results in all endeavors. It is especially useful when working with other crystals, helping to harmonize the various energies and focus them to achieve the desired outcome.

Apatite aligns and balances the body, mind, emotions, and spirit and brings them to a state of harmonious functioning. It also regulates the level of activity in these different aspects, preventing any excessiveness or lacking in these areas. Apatite helps to regulate the flow of energy through the chakral system, helping to keep each chakra free of obstructions.

Apatite inspires the awareness of the inner self. It enhances the intuition and is useful for investigating past lives. It helps with developing the skills of receiving information and messages through telepathy and psychic seeing, hearing, and knowing. It also facilitates the connection with the Earth spirits and energies, as well as with non-terrestrial entities and energies. It enhances the connection with one’s higher self, encouraging observation and understanding of oneself. It brings the Yin and Yang energies into balance, facilitates the movement of the Kundalini energy, and encourages one to be at peace and free of confusion, and helps one to achieve greater depths of meditation and contemplation. Apatite also enables one to actualize one’s thoughts and ideas in the physical world, acting as focal point where one’s concentration can be directed to create that which is desired.

Apatite has been used to achieve and maintain an overall experience of optimal health by acting as a tool to consciously direct healing energy to all areas and aspects of the physical body. Apatite is particularly useful for all concerns regarding the teeth and bones, including structure, healing, and growth. It also helps to cleanse and purify the body, aiding the removal of toxins. When using an elixir of apatite, it is helpful for people who want to control the desire for food.

listfirst-10AVENTURINE   The Crystal Skull of the Self projects a supportive and reassuring energy to us, helping us to continue in our efforts to create, accomplish, and grow in our lives. It teaches us the importance of accepting our accountability for our lives and what we do, say, feel, believe, create and manifest. It encourages us to make the effort to understand the thinking and reasoning that leads us to make the choices we do, and it reminds us of our obligations to act to responsibly deal with the repercussions and consequences of our behaviors.

The Crystal Skull of the Self blue aventurine crystal skull helps us understand how what we think, say, and do, shapes the events in our lives and the state of the world as we move through our physical human experience. It imparts to us the importance of realizing the potential we possess to manifest our reality, and encourages us to be mindful and aware of the predetermined expectations we may have. The Crystal Skull of the Self suggests to us that we allow ourselves to change our outlook to one of openness and optimism, and helps us to maintain that perspective regardless of what we experience and think when reacting to events in our lives. The energy of The Crystal Skull of the Self supports us in recognizing and remembering that what we think about, we create, and as we are, so shall the world around us be.

Blue aventurine is a type of quartz included with dumortierite. The properties of dumortierite crystals also apply to blue aventurine. 

Aventurine is considered by some to be the luckiest of all crystals, and has been referred to as a stone of opportunity that enhances material abundance, luck, and one’s ability to manifest what is desired. It is considered to increase the likelihood of success in all matters by arranging circumstances to ensure the experience of fortuitous events.

Aventurine helps facilitate growth and new experiences by assisting one to release inhibiting emotional attachments, thought processes, and regrets. It encourages enthusiasm, self-reliance, a positive outlook, and an attitude of welcoming diversity and change.

Aventurine encourages a connection with the Earth and Earth energies and spirits, helping one to comprehend and align with these, and is effective for dispelling the effects of geopathic stress. It also protects from environmental and electromagnetic pollution.

Aventurine helps one to be more confident and assertive, assisting one to make wise choices without the experience of uncertainty. It encourages initiative and enhances the ability to manage people and situations, allowing one to more easily express wisdom and knowledge to others, and increasing the influence and effectiveness of one’s guidance. Aventurine also enables one to be more receptive to suggestions from other people.

Green aventurine activates, clears, and protects the heart chakra, protecting by preventing the draining of energy by others. By enhancing and activating one’s expression of love and harmony, it also provides protection from negative energies and harm along the path one is currently on as well as along those paths that one may choose to follow. It amplifies one’s desire to seek new experiences, and increases one’s ingenuity and imagination. It brings motivating energies and encourages exploration and experimentation. Aventurine helps one when making decisions, removing the tendency to question and doubt one’s instincts,  

Aventurine also enhances the intuition and instincts, and helps to align and balance the aura, physical body, mind, and emotions. Aventurine balances the yin-yang, male-female energies, and it is used in medicine wheel ceremonies to connect the spiritual and heart energies, aiding in the identification of, and connecting with, one’s spiritual guides.

It helps one to be more graceful, dexterous, and coordinated. It can help to bring calm and to temper the tendencies towards brash and sudden reactions of anger and frustration, and is helpful for dissipating disagreements, tension, and emotional unrest between family members, roommates, and people in intimate relationships. It is also used to help one find love in the heart as well as in relationships, especially for people who are older.

It has been used to stimulate growth of premature infants, young children, and teenagers, and it stimulates and increases the mental development of children challenged by detrimental hyperactivity and educational subjects. It also helps all ages of people with written work, computer, and typing skills.

Aventurine is used to treat medical issues concerning the urogenital and muscular systems, the nervous system, the adrenal glands, the lungs, and the heart, including lowering cholesterol and preventing heart attack and arteriosclerosis. As an elixir it is used to treat eczema, rosacea, acne, rash, and itching of the skin. It assists in the recovery process after illness and surgeries by encouraging the exercise, mobility, regeneration, and revitalization of the physical body. It can be used to provide relief from allergic reactions and from migraine headaches. 

Dumortierite helps to regulate one’s reactions to stimuli, encouraging a calm and even flow of emotions, and the ability to clearly express one’s opinions and personal beliefs while defending oneself. It assists one to be open, amenable, and flexible regarding new concepts and the beliefs and values of others, and also enables one to recognize when a change in one’s thinking may be beneficial.

Dumortierite helps to protect and provides endurance by encouraging one to remain completely centered when dealing with difficult and challenging situations on all levels, helping to maintain one’s sense of self. It enhances self discipline and assists with the organization of thoughts as well as with physical materials.

It enhances the intellect and encourages patience and acceptance, and the understanding of the possibilities, capabilities, and purpose of the people and situations one experiences. It helps one to recognize illusions, and the illusion of this reality, helping one to remember that the physical world is the temporary experience of the spiritual existence. Dumortierite enhances one’s ability to perceive the spiritual reality and communicate at this level, as well as to share spiritual insight and information at the physical level.

Dumortierite is very effective for helping one to identify, develop, and enhances, one’s natural psychic talents. It augments the connection with the spiritual realities and facilitates the comprehensive reception of knowledge and wisdom, helping one to understand how these can be utilized most effectively.

Dumortierite can be used to gain understanding of issues affecting physical health which can be used to guide the healing process. It strengthens and supports during diagnosis, healing, and recovery. It has been used to aid in the recovery from dependency and addictions. It has been used for the treatment of colic, cramping, headache, nausea and vomiting, and can be used to counter the wasting syndrome caused by debilitating disorders. It has also been used to treat diabetes, to remove toxins from the body, and to treat disorders of the skin, spleen, thyroid and parathyroid, throat, endocrine and metabolic systems, and the blood and circulatory system.

listfirst-11AVENTURINE (green)   The Fortuitous Crystal Skull encourages us to look for, and to be willing to receive, good luck, good fortune, and prosperity in our lives. By welcoming these in our experiences, rather than doubting or expecting that they will not occur, we may find that we begin to experience them more often than we did previously. The Fortuitous Crystal Skull also teaches us that it is important to strive to perceive the benefits and value of what initially appears to be misfortune and bad experiences. When we begin, with an open mind, to seek to identify the positive aspects that come from what we considered to be bad, we are able to recognize the valuable lessons presented to us and we come to understand life in the human experience is full of opportunities that will offer us wisdom, growth, and enlightenment. We can come to understand that the “bad” things are necessary and do serve a positive purpose for all of us, and with this knowledge we can learn that there is no need for us to react negatively to a situation that entails things not working as we would have preferred or expected. The beautiful green aventurine of The Fortuitous Crystal Skull imparts an energy that enables us to view the personality of this crystal skull as being kind, good natured, joyful, and loving, accepting and embracing each of us just as we are.

Aventurine is considered by some to be the luckiest of all crystals, and has been referred to as a stone of opportunity that enhances material abundance, luck, and one’s ability to manifest what is desired. It is considered to increase the likelihood of success in all matters by arranging circumstances to ensure the experience of fortuitous events.

Aventurine helps facilitate growth and new experiences by assisting one to release inhibiting emotional attachments, thought processes, and regrets. It encourages enthusiasm, self-reliance, a positive outlook, and an attitude of welcoming diversity and change.

Aventurine encourages a connection with the Earth and Earth energies and spirits, helping one to comprehend and align with these, and is effective for dispelling the effects of geopathic stress. It also protects from environmental and electromagnetic pollution.

Aventurine helps one to be more confident and assertive, assisting one to make wise choices without the experience of uncertainty. It encourages initiative and enhances the ability to manage people and situations, allowing one to more easily express wisdom and knowledge to others, and increasing the influence and effectiveness of one’s guidance. Aventurine also enables one to be more receptive to suggestions from other people.

Green aventurine activates, clears, and protects the heart chakra, protecting by preventing the draining of energy by others. By enhancing and activating one’s expression of love and harmony, it also provides protection from negative energies and harm along the path one is currently on as well as along those paths that one may choose to follow. It amplifies one’s desire to seek new experiences, and increases one’s ingenuity and imagination. It brings motivating energies and encourages exploration and experimentation. Aventurine helps one when making decisions, removing the tendency to question and doubt one’s instincts,  

Aventurine also enhances the intuition and instincts, and helps to align and balance the aura, physical body, mind, and emotions. Aventurine balances the yin-yang, male-female energies, and it is used in medicine wheel ceremonies to connect the spiritual and heart energies, aiding in the identification of, and connecting with, one’s spiritual guides.

It helps one to be more graceful, dexterous, and coordinated. It can help to bring calm and to temper the tendencies towards brash and sudden reactions of anger and frustration, and is helpful for dissipating disagreements, tension, and emotional unrest between family members, roommates, and people in intimate relationships. It is also used to help one find love in the heart as well as in relationships, especially for people who are older.

It has been used to stimulate growth of premature infants, young children, and teenagers, and it stimulates and increases the mental development of children challenged by detrimental hyperactivity and educational subjects. It also helps all ages of people with written work, computer, and typing skills.

Aventurine is used to treat medical issues concerning the urogenital and muscular systems, the nervous system, the adrenal glands, the lungs, and the heart, including lowering cholesterol and preventing heart attack and arteriosclerosis. As an elixir it is used to treat eczema, rosacea, acne, rash, and itching of the skin. It assists in the recovery process after illness and surgeries by encouraging the exercise, mobility, regeneration, and revitalization of the physical body. It can be used to provide relief from allergic reactions and from migraine headaches.

listfirst-27AZURITE   Azurite, also known as Chessylite, is a copper carbonate mineral that is formed from weathering copper deposits, is a popular mineral named for its striking blue color. It can form tabular or prismatic crystals that are often striated.

Azurite has been recognized as a status symbol in ancient civilizations. Historically Native American Indians considered azurite as a sacred stone that helped to sense the presence of, and communicate with, one’s Indian spiritual guide. It also provided a better comprehension of the knowledge and information which was received. The Mayans also used azurite to engender the mystical and psychic abilities for the purpose of sharing knowledge and wisdom through thoughts.

Legends of Atlantis say azurite was one of the most potent stones for healing, and it was so powerful psychically that it’s secrets were only known by priests. It is thought that many of its secrets are now lost due to the coveting of the information about azurite.

Ancient Egyptians high priests and priestesses of the Fourth Dynasty attributed azurite with the ability to raise their awareness to a god consciousness level. It was used as a pigment to paint the ye of Horus on the forehead.

Ancient Romans and Egyptians used azurite for enhancing visions, insight, and for hypnosis. Ancient Greeks used it in healing rituals.

Ancient Chinese people believed azurite opened celestial gateways and referred to it as the Stone of Heaven.

In the Middle Ages, azurite was ground, washed and sieved to form a pigment called Prussian Blue. It became the most widely used pigment in Middle Age paintings, however it is no longer used as a pigment as it can turn into malachite under certain conditions.

Azurite activates the third eye and initiates the development of one’s intuition and psychic abilities, bringing insight and instinctive understanding into all areas of one’s life. Azurite creates a shifting of consciousness to allow one to become heart centered, developing a deeper connection with one’s spiritual existence and the spiritual reality of life. It helps one merge the physical and spiritual aspects by guiding one in the processes of learning to act and react from a position of loving acceptance, and assists one to let go of distracting worldly issues that hold no relevance to spiritual growth, including disturbing concerns and worries that continue to surface in cyclical patterns. Azurite is considered to hold within it that which is necessary to create heaven on Earth.

Azurite amplifies imagination, inspiration, higher thinking, creativity, and intellect, and allows for clear verbal communication of concepts, experiences, and ideas. Azurite provides a affirming energy that strengthens one’s self confidence and enables one to act and think without the need for competition or judgement. It promotes the correctness that the truth will inevitably come forward in all situations.

Azurite assists one to focus the intuition through the third eye and determine areas that need work. Azurite clears the way for one to move forward in one’s growth, and consciously directing the energies of azurite to this purpose, and at perceived barriers, increases the effectiveness of this process. It helps one to realize and understand the causes of internal negative energy and helps one to release both the causal issues as well as the resulting discordance. In releasing both the causes and the resulting negative energy, azurite helps to prevent the perpetuation of dis-ease and disorder. For radionic work, the azurite energy infuses with the energy of the worker and indicates the issues and areas of concern, and helps to determine the solutions to the situation.

Azurite brings a calm and relaxed energy that enables effortless transition into meditation, imparting a quiet and undisturbed mental state. It facilitates introspection to bring about a greater understanding of the self, assisting one to fully comprehend the information received, while enhancing the consciousness of self and of the world.

Azurite melds and enhances the sacral and heart chakras. It can help one to discover the good within and enable the expression of this to become a beneficent, charitable, compassionate, and empathetic individual. Azurite effectively dissolves barriers that impede the free flow of energy. Azurite balances and connects the chakras and melds the structure of the physical body with the ethereal bodies, removing any hindrances and creating an unobstructed flow of energies. It regulates energetic flow and provides the requisite amount of energy necessary for any situation.

Azurite is used to regulate and correct disorders of the circulatory system, remove toxins from the body, increase and encourage proper functioning of the synapses, and to eliminate growths. It is used to treat issues related to skeletal alignment including the vertebrae and spine, ribs, and particularly small bones such as those of the hands and feet. Azurite can also be helpful in calming convulsions, spasms, twitches, and other similar involuntary movements. The energy of azurite promotes smooth and graceful movement of the physical body and is useful in recovery and physical therapies.

Malachite is considered to be a stone of transformation, protection, healing, and travel, and enhances one’s connection to all plant life. It is considered to be a stone of the material plane, and is used to maintain a connection with friends, family, and loved ones who are separated by distance.  

It has been used to protect from the Evil Eye, to enhance intuition and visions, to ward against negative events, and it is commonly believed to protect from impending danger by breaking into pieces. Malachite absorbs negativity and pollutants from the body and the environment, protects from all types of radiation, and clears harmful electromagnetic pollution while healing earth energies in its surroundings. It also helps to protect one from noise, excessive fluorescent lighting, and negativity conveyed through communications such as phone calls and messages, and emails.

Malachite is used to protect during traveling, and to release fear and anxiety of flight and of new places and experiences. It assists to negate jet lag, and brings protection in heavy traffic, moving ahead on one’s route to facilitate pleasant traveling experiences and protect from accidents.

Malachite helps one adjust to changes. It encourages, and reveals blockages to, spiritual growth, and helps to identify and release detrimental thinking and behavior patterns. Malachite teaches one to communicate and express their true feelings, helps to overcome shyness and self-doubt, and brings the lesson of being responsible for one’s thoughts and actions. Malachite supports friendship and empathy for others.

Malachite stimulates clarity of thought and strengthens memory, and is especially helpful with short term memory issues. It helps to alleviate depression and to bring healing to areas of emotional abuse, especially that which has been experienced during childhood. Malachite directs one to find mutually beneficial relationships with others based in love rather than desire.  

Malachite assists in healing of the physical and emotional bodies. It helps these bodies to eliminate toxins and discordant energies and gives revitalizing life force energy to the body and aura.

Malachite is useful for regulating menstrual cycle, cramps, and easing labor. Known as the Midwife Stone, its energies are particularly helpful for the female reproductive system. Malachite is useful for treating stomach conditions, sexual dis-ease, malaria, relieving cold sweats, trembling and Parkinson’s disease, and helps with asthma, intestinal problems and pain in the back and extremities. Malachite assists those dealing with osteoarthritis, especially of the spine, can be used to help treat kidney and gallstones, and is used as a diuretic.

Malachite lowers blood pressure, treats epilepsy, travel sickness, and vertigo. It assists to regulate healing of fractures and broken bones, swollen joints, growths and tumors, and torn muscles. Malachite bolsters the immune system and stimulates the liver to release toxins.

NOTE: Malachite contains copper which is toxic. Malachite should only be used in its polished form. Handle druse or massive rough specimens with caution. Avoid creating dust which should not be ingested or inhaled. Do not place malachite in the mouth. Do use a malachite elixir. Handling polished malachite does not present health risks, but inhaling malachite dust is dangerous. As a gem, malachite is better suited to necklaces, pendants, earrings, and brooch types of jewelry as opposed to rings and bracelets which are much more likely to be damaged.

The geode represents fertility, creativity, mother earth energy, protection, and is excellent for grounding. Geodes have been used to increase fertility and creativity, offering powerful protection during pregnancy, childbirth, and for small children. Geodes represent the Creatrix form of the goddess and connect the earth with the universe. Geodes also represent both the male and female reproductive systems, especially the womb. Geodes amplify the energies that are directed to them, including the energies of other stones and thought energy, and are considered effective at enhancing the harmony of family and home, and to enhance the flow of chi, life force energy.

Geodes enable one to see the larger picture when there are many things to attract one’s attention. They assist in helping one come to a decision and allows one to create one’s own future. Geodes are used to communicate with the spiritual realms and the greater power, and is useful when practicing astral traveling. Geodes help one focus during meditation, bring calm and peace and eliminate stress, and enhance one’s natural psychic talents.

Geodes are used to address physical health conditions related to the hands, muscles, heart, bones, lungs, brain, and nervous system, and can be used to treat mental imbalances.






listfirst-32CELESTITE-CELESTINE  White, clear and cool blue, celestite gets its name from the sky. It’s gentle nature soothes nerves, reduces stress and quiets the mind. It allows us to find serenity, harmony and easiness. It creates stillness for receiving, therefore allowing us connection to spirit, life overview and creativity. Celestite increases self-expression, artistic creativity and healing. This stone helps the Throat Chakra by allowing for honesty, openness and listening. The celestial blue color helps reduce stress, worry and anxiety.



listfirst-33CHRYSOCOLLA-CHRYSOCOLLE   Solid Lt. blue/blue-green. Gentle, soothing, friendly. Excellent for Heart Chakra; flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear…) for allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid. Also, heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance. High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis…), Excellent therapeutic assistance for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auric field. Dreams and Earth healing.

listfirst-12CITRINE   The energy of The Creator citrine crystal skull acts to supplement our natural abilities of manifestation and to bring the changes we desire to our reality. The Creator assists us in determining which of our desires are advantageous to many people as well as beneficial for ourselves, and those that are self serving, and so not necessarily worth pursuing.

The Creator crystal skull helps to clear negativity from our minds, emotions, physical body, and surrounding environment, replacing it with loving and peaceful energies that are more conducive to assisting our efforts to be more compassionate, more understanding, and more accepting of the situations and people we are guided to experience and interact with.

The Creator citrine crystal skull sculpture also facilitates a deeper connection to our higher spiritual aspects which allow us to gain wisdom from the knowledge we learn and possess. The Creator encourages us to utilize our wisdom by choosing to be of service and selflessly helping other people when we are given the chance to do so. We can do this by actively offering our assistance to others, as well as by sharing our wisdom through the examples of our own actions and words.

The Creator helps us to remain calm and at peace during stressful and upsetting situations, encouraging us to endeavor to recognize the positive aspects and benefits that we are unable to identify when we are distracted by our emotions and ego based motivations. The Creator crystal skull also encourages our creativity and innovative thought processes, helping us to approach challenging situations with alternate perspectives that bring about positive resolutions which will benefit all of the people involved.

Citrine is a crystal of purity and clarity, naturally dispersing negative energies instead of absorbing and retaining them. It is an excellent crystal to help keep the environment, oneself, and other crystals and minerals, cleared, positive, and balanced.

Citrine brings balance to the Yin and Yang energies, and aligns the aura and chakras with the angelic and spiritual worlds. It invigorates and vitalizes the navel and solar plexus chakras to enhance mental ingenuity, concentration, and resolve, and it augments both the mind and the physical body with energy and stamina. Citrine stimulates spontaneity and enthusiasm, and brings an eagerness to take action, while maintaining a balanced emotional state of being. It enhances the intuition and facilitates a connection with higher powers.

Citrine stimulates and enhances the energy of the root chakra, providing reassurance and bringing a bright and cheerful optimism to one’s perspective and thought processes. It assists in the release of fear and allows for the unobstructed expression of peace and joy from within the self. It is an excellent crystal to use to dispel depression and issues of self esteem and self worth.

Citrine encourages an open and alert mental consciousness. It is an effective crystal for inciting a mindfulness to be conscious in the present, and for enabling the mind to see solutions when determining methods of approaching situations that require problem solving.

Citrine is an excellent crystal for determining the best solutions for all aspects of problems and challenges, including the aspects of issues related to the mind and thought processes, the emotions, and survival. It energizes the crown chakra which enhances one’s intellect, helping to bring clarity and understanding of the causes of challenges, to efficiently identify the best solutions and reactions for any situation, and to apply those to resolve the issues of concern.  

The energy of citrine is conducive to help with all levels of interactions between persons, including business ventures, and all aspects of education. It naturally and efficiently helps to resolve issues within groups and families, bringing people together and creating harmonious relations. Citrine has been used as a stone of prosperity and wealth, and is considered a merchant’s stone, enhancing income and maintaining wealth.

Citrine effectively purifies and aligns the aura with the physical body, also clearing away discordant energies. It regulates, and brings balance to, the emotions, helping one to release stress, anger, anxiety, and frustration.

Citrine has been used to bring the thymus to a state of optimal health and functioning, to regulate and stabilize the thyroid gland, and to enhance proper functioning of the eyes and blood circulation. It is also used to help, and to treat issues regarding, digestion, and promotes the healthy utilization of nutrients. Citrine can be used to reduce growths and to address degenerative disorders.

listfirst-1CRYSTAL-QUARTZ   Quartz is the Master Healer and the « stone of power »! Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing instrument. The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw and send energy therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change (mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually). Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. Quartz works with All Chakra and master gland for balancing, cleansing and healing. It is the perfect stone for complete Aura balancing.

listfirst-5FLUORITE   Usually translucent and come in shades of white, brown, blue, yellow, purple, red, or colorless. Important balancer, healer. Opens heart (especially green), Throat Brow, Crown Chakra for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities. Spleen bones, teeth, lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia. Benefits the teeth and bones. People with arthritis, rheumatism, or spinal injuries have reported some relief from their conditions when they employ Fluorite in their healing regimen. Helps to rekindle sexual appetite and heighten intuitive powers. It is suggested using Fluorite in conjunction with Calcite and Pyrite. Assists in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Helps one become more aware of the higher

listfirst-13HEMATITE   Hematite is particularly effective at grounding and protecting. It harmonizes mind, body, and spirit. Used during out-of-body journeying, it protects the soul and grounds it back into the body. This stone has a strong yang element and balances the meridians, redressing yin imbalances. It dissolves negativity and prevents negative enegies from entering the aura, restoring peace and harmony to the body.



listfirst-2JADE   Jade promotes courage, mercy, justice, and humility. It also inspires peace, harmony, devotion and faithfulness, love, and generosity. Jade helps one to actualize one’s inner potential and to commit to achieving one’s ambitions and purpose.

Jade is a stone that increases wisdom and intellectual thinking. It brings balance to the emotions and peace and calm to the mind, expelling negative thoughts and energies. Jade teaches one to be humble and respectful of all people and things, including oneself. Jade assists one in understanding others and their needs. It helps one to find wisdom when considering challenges and problems, and to prioritize and incorporate one’s desires with one’s requirements in accordance to what is most relevant to one’s well being. Jade promotes one’s confidence in oneself, encouraging independence through self reliance and self sufficiency.

Jade helps to teach one to appreciate one’s ideals and to bring one’s dreams, visions, and aspirations into reality. It helps one to understand that there are no limits and therefore all things are possible, and inspires the ambition to achieve one’s objectives.

Jade is a stone of dreams, assisting with recall and interpretation when using dreams to determine resolutions to problems and challenges. Placing a piece of jade under a pillow before sleeping encourages the freeing of hidden and repressed emotions through dreaming.

Jade provides protection, keeping one out of harm’s way. It grounds and strengthens one’s connection to the Earth and the physical body.

Jade is a stone of health, longevity, prosperity, and vitalizing energy, lending stamina and endurance to the body. Jade promotes a healthy heart, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Jade has a gentle and steady healing energy, bringing healing, and treating issues of, the lungs, heart, thymus, spleen, immune system, and nervous system. It gives energy toward the proper function of the body’s various filtering systems and helps to remove toxins from the blood and kidneys. As an elixir jade is used to relieve irritation from the skin and bring a smooth and healthy appearance to the skin and hair.

Jade is used to connect with the spiritual realities, and is considered to bring a long and rewarding life and provide a serene transition from the physical existence back to the spiritual existence at the time of physical death.

Jade has been considered sacred and has been revered by many cultures for centuries, including the ancient Chinese and Mayan cultures. Jade facilitates the connection with, and understanding of, the dreamtime of the ancient Mayans, and enhances the reception of information needed to perform the ceremonies related to this subject.

Mayan beliefs hold that jade brings harmony and peace not only to the physical world, but also to the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of a person. Jade is also considered to facilitate a mutual understanding with the environment, to alter negative energy to productive positivity, and to inspire ingenuity.

In Feng Shui jade is used to encourage prosperity, happiness, and a long healthy life. It is placed in the Center area for balance and harmony, in the Northeast for wisdom, and in the Southwest two stones are used for partnership and love.

listfirst-22JASPE (red) HELIOTROPE   This stone works much like Bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to light before they are a threat. Also used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood, relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds. Red Jasper can be used at the Root Chakra and represents Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. The color for the root chakra is red and it is grounded with your power. Red stones are considered projecting stones and are used to destroy disease, strengthen conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success. Dense, heavy, and/or opaque.

listfirst-4LABRADORITE   Labradorite symbolizes the sun and the moon, and it balances these energies as well as enhances them. Considered a Stone of Magic, labradorite facilitates travel from one plane of existence to another, and across the universe, during the pursuit of knowledge and guidance, and does the same when applied towards matters of introspection of the spirit, intuition, and psychic talents. In all of these applications labradorite can lead the way as a guide and assist with the understanding of the knowledge received.

Labradorite is referred to as the “temple of the stars,” and believed to carry the light energy of other planetary beings to the soul of the user and the Earth plane. The Inuit people believed labradorite was from the northern lights, the Aurora Borealis, which is caused by charged particles from the sun’s atmosphere colliding with gaseous particles in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Labradorite is a great protection stone, shielding us by strengthening the aura and our natural energies. Labradorite protects from negativity and misfortune in this world while exploring others through meditation and visions, as well as while exploring in the past and the future.

Labradorite enhances magical abilities and aspects of intuition such as clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and conscious direction of serendipitous events. It assists with communication with higher spiritual guides, psychic readings, and past life recall. Labradorite allows for a smooth transition between worlds and states of being, keeping one safely grounded during the journey.

Labradorite encourages cooperation, congeniality, and courtesy, and it assists to instill a sense of belonging to part of a group. It can help reduce the tendency to judge others as well as helping to prevent feelings of depression or shame.

Labradorite is used to increase sensitivity in the hands, enhancing the skills of healers and energy workers who use their hands.

It is used to bring calm to the mind and energize imagination to allow for original ideas, and can be used to help one to find joy, adventure, change, and spontaneity in one’s life again. It can energize one emotionally, preventing the feeling of being drained or weighed down by responsibilities. Labradorite facilitates introspection and thoughtfulness, and gives one intellectual clarity and intuitive wisdom to allow one to see through illusion to the cause of an issue, and to find a resolution and bring peace. It helps to dispel fear and insecurity by bolstering faith, self reliance, and trust in the universe.

Labradorite is an excellent stone for communication and helps us share our true selves. It is very effective in uniting the chakras. Labradorite aids shamans, magicians, and Light workers to penetrate the veils of the Void and access the place of all knowledge and possibilities and the source of creation, providing protection on the journey and during subsequent recall. Labradorite also protects the aura and prevents energy leakages and stops the attempts of others who would drain personal energy. It balances and empowers all elemental forces within one’s system. It is also a good tool when conducting radionic analysis and treatment with a goal of finding problem areas.

Labradorite encourages optimal health of the lungs, the brain, and the digestive system. It has been used to clear the eyes, to treat disorders involving the brain. It can be used to treat issues of dis-ease of the respiratory system including colds, bronchitis, and other similar issues. It can also be directed towards reducing the symptoms and effects experienced during menstruation, PMS, and for relief of pain in general. Labradorite is used to lower blood pressure and reduce one’s sensitivity to cold. It is also used to ameliorate gout and rheumatism, and to aid in the proper functioning of the digestive system and in the absorption and proper use of nutrients.

listfirst-3LAPIS LAZULI   Lapis is composed of lazurite, white calcite, and pyrite. The properties of calcite and pyrite also apply when lapis lazuli is included with these minerals.

Lapis enables one to connect to, and comprehend, arcane and mystical knowledge pertaining to the celestial heavens, as well as ancient planetary knowledge. It facilitates the connection between the physical world and the stars and alternate dimensions. Lapis lazuli, a stone of communication, encourages the sharing of knowledge on all levels, and aids in information being clearly conveyed and assessed. It symbolizes wisdom and the aspects of occult practices and beliefs, including religions, spirituality, and magical practices, and also represents all secret and mystical knowledge.

Lapis activates and vitalizes the third eye and throat chakras, and can clear and align all of the chakras, helping one to become the ideal expression of oneself that is one’s potential.

It extends and increases one’s consciousness and mental activity, enabling one to connect to, and utilize, one’s natural talents of intuition and psychic capabilities. It assists one to remain impartial and unbiased to information received through these abilities, and inspires the wisdom to understand and accept what is learned.

Lapis helps one to let go of emotional baggage and accepted expectations that hinder one’s ability to experience the free release and expression of emotions. It helps to prevent emotional energy being bottled up and becoming physically and mentally detrimental. Lapis encourages clarity and stamina of thoughts and attitudes, and helps one to let go of negative emotional energies to ensure an optimism that promotes physical health and well being.

Lapis helps one connect with all forms of creative expression and encourages conscious enlightenment which allows for understanding and achieving one’s divine potential. Lapis can be used to determine the most effective methods of finding one’s way toward the reunification with the universal whole, encouraging one to adopt the necessary attitudes and beliefs, and perform the actions required to attain such enlightenment.

Lapis is effective for dream study and interpretation, helping one to understand messages in one’s dreams and to connect with the teaching and guiding energies within one’s dreams.

Lapis encourages the optimal state of well being in one’s emotional, mental, and physical aspects, giving one strength to work to achieve universal wisdom. It also helps one to regulate one’s activities and bring order to one’s daily life. It aids in the process of moving past depression and issues of low self esteem, bringing one to a place of mental peace and encouraging a positive mental attitude by helping one to identify oneself as important, good, and worthy of one’s own approval and love.

Lapis brings an energy of joy and happiness, and facilitates harmony and contentment in relationships. It joins and brings the masculine and feminine characteristics into balance, balances the Yin and Yang energies, and encourages mental, emotional, and spiritual stability and comfort during all experiences.

Lapis is composed of lazurite, white calcite, and pyrite. The properties of calcite and pyrite also apply when lapis lazuli displays these minerals.

Lapis provides protection from physical harm, accidents, attacks, and peril. It is used to treat hearing loss and Eustachian tube issues, DNA and RNA damage, and other disorders by facilitating cellular regeneration. It is effective for treating disorders related to the immune system, bone marrow, throat, nervous system, pituitary gland, lymphatic system, MS, speech, hearing, inflammation, and the thymus. It is effective when used to reduce pain (especially in the head). It is also used to ameliorate and heal a wide variety of issues such as anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, depression, and self-acceptance. It is beneficial to the respiratory system, especially the throat and lungs, the cleansing organs, and the nervous system, and is a good stone for blood purification and for boosting the immune system.

listfirst-23LARIMAR   Larimar is a rare form of pectolite, which was discovered in the 1970’s and is only found in the Dominican Republic. It has an extraordinary blue appearance similar to the color of the ocean in tropical areas.

Larimar Opens creativity in the throat area, helps soul mates to find one another while healing negative karma between soul mates and lovers. Allows for open communication between soul mates. This is an exciting healing stone which I feel should be worked with on a continual basis. I find Larimar to not only aid communication in relationships, but it also gives me a strong sense of peace. It is very calming, which is no surprise, since Larimar is from the Caribbean . Brings tranquility of water/sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love. Self-expression, patience, accepting ness, simplicity, creativity, artwork. With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive. Cools, draws out inflammation, fevers, sunburn heat. Especially helps the creativity and throat CTR. (shoulder, thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.






listfirst-6MALACHITE   Malachite is a stone of transformation, protection, healing, and travel. It enhances one’s connection to all plant life and is considered to be a stone of the material plane. It is used to maintain a connection with friends, family, and loved ones who are separated by distance.  

It has been used to enhance intuition and visions, to protect from the evil eye, to ward against negative events, and it is commonly believed to protect from impending danger by breaking into pieces. Malachite absorbs negativity and pollutants from the body and the environment, protects from all types of radiation, and clears harmful electromagnetic pollution while radiating healing earth energies in its surroundings. It also helps to protect one from noise, excessive fluorescent lighting, and negativity conveyed through communications such as phone calls and messages, and emails.

Malachite is used to protect during traveling, and to release fear and anxiety of flight and of new places and experiences. It assists to negate jet lag, and brings protection in heavy traffic, moving ahead on one’s route to facilitate pleasant traveling experiences and protect from accidents.

Malachite helps one adjust to changes. It encourages, and reveals blockages to, spiritual growth, and helps to identify and release detrimental thinking and behavior patterns. Malachite teaches one to communicate and express their true feelings, helps to overcome shyness and self-doubt, and brings the lesson of being responsible for one’s thoughts and actions. Malachite supports friendship and empathy for others.

Malachite stimulates clarity of thought and strengthens memory, and is especially helpful with short term memory issues. It helps to alleviate depression and to bring healing to areas of emotional abuse, especially that which has been experienced during childhood. Malachite directs one to find mutually beneficial relationships with others based in love rather than desire.  

Malachite assists in healing of the physical and emotional bodies. It helps these bodies to eliminate toxins and discordant energies, and gives revitalizing life force energy to the body and aura.

Malachite is useful for regulating the menstrual cycle, relieving cramps, and easing labor. Known as the Midwife Stone, its energies are particularly helpful for the female reproductive system. Malachite is useful for treating stomach conditions, sexual dis-ease, malaria, trembling and Parkinson’s disease, and helps with relieving cold sweats, asthma, intestinal problems, and pain in the back and extremities. Malachite assists those dealing with osteoarthritis, especially of the spine, can be used to help treat kidney and gallstones, and is used as a diuretic.

Malachite also lowers blood pressure, treats epilepsy, travel sickness, and vertigo. It assists to regulate healing of fractures and broken bones, swollen joints, growths and tumors, and torn muscles. Malachite bolsters the immune system and stimulates the liver to release toxins.

NOTE: Malachite contains copper which is toxic. Malachite should only be used in its polished form. Handle druse or massive rough specimens with caution. Avoid creating dust which should not be ingested or inhaled. Do not place malachite in the mouth. Do not make and use a malachite elixir in the standard manner. Handling polished malachite does not present health risks, but inhaling malachite dust is dangerous. As a gem, malachite is better suited to necklaces, pendants, earrings, and brooch types of jewelry as opposed to rings and bracelets which are much more likely to be damaged.

The geode represents fertility, creativity, mother earth energy, and protection, and is an excellent structure for grounding. Geodes have been used to increase fertility and creativity, offering powerful protection during pregnancy, childbirth, and also for small children. Geodes represent the Creatrix form of the goddess and connect the earth with the universe. Geodes also represent both the male and female reproductive systems, especially the womb. Geodes amplify the energies that are directed to them, including the energies of other stones and thought energy. They are considered effective at enhancing the harmony of family and the home, and the flow of chi, the life force energy.

Geodes enable one to see the larger picture when there are many things to attract one’s attention. They assist in helping one come to a decision and allow one to create one’s own future. Geodes are used to communicate with the spiritual realms and the greater powers, and are useful when practicing astral traveling. Geodes help one focus during meditation, bring calm and peace, eliminate stress, and enhance one’s natural psychic talents.

Geodes are used to address physical health conditions related to the hands, muscles, heart, bones, lungs, brain, and nervous system, and can be used to treat mental imbalances.

listfirst-26OBSIDIAN (black)   Obsidian is actually natural glass that is formed when hot lava is submerged in water. This is a strong grounding stone and is known as « the protector ». It is said to « mirror one’s soul. This stone brings about objectivity, dis-attachment and is grounding. It reduces fantasy and escapism. Absorbs and dissolves anger, criticism, fear, and therefore is protective. This unusual black stone absorbs darkness and converts it to white light energy. It is a warm and friendly stone, which is used at the Root Chakra, encouraging ones survival instincts and is grounding. Black obsidian brings higher Chakra light into lower ones; cleanses and uplifts. Changes fear into flexibility with the advent of change. Obsidian is used in scrying for divination purposes and often found in mirrors and crystal balls. Obsidian is used for transformation.






listfirst-16PYRITE   One of the most grounding stones in use today. Conducting, Energizing, Increases Wealth. Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking/scatteredness etc. like Hematite. Helps Yellow Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulfur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun’s golden energy. A mineralized crystal that forms in clusters of metallic like cubes. Color varies from a bright gold or brass to shades of copper or green. Found in most of North America as well as in Chile and Peru. « Fool’s Gold ». Beneficial to the respiratory and circulatory systems. Connected to the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream. Helps the skin protect itself from the elements, and also aids the digestive tract, lessening irritation by ingested toxins. The most important gift of Pyrite, though, is its ability to aid mental capacity. Helps to balance creative and intuitive impulses with scientific and practical ones. communication skills can also improve with the help of Pyrite, which eases anxiety and frustration. Strongly suggested for people who tackle large conceptual ideas in business, the arts, or education. Effective in attracting money to its owner. The stimulation of the mind can be enhanced by using Pyrite in conjunction with Fluorite and Calcite.

listfirst-17QUARTZ (smoky)   Quartz is the Master Healer and the « stone of power »! Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing instrument. The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw and send energy therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change (mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually). Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. Quartz works with All Chakra and master gland for balancing, cleansing and healing. It is the perfect stone for complete Aura balancing.

listfirst-18QUARTZ (rose)   Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it’s soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.

listfirst-19QUARTZ RUTILE   Titanium dioxide, commonly known as rutile, occurs as needle like filaments and may contain iron and significant amounts of niobium and tantalum. Rutile has one of the highest refraction indices of all known crystals. It is the most common source of titanium, and is used worldwide for pigmentation, optical elements, and even sunscreens. It is most often inclusions of aligned rutile in crystals that gives us the cat’s eye and asterism, or star, effects of beautiful gems like star sapphires, star rubies, cat’s eye tourmaline, star quartz, star garnet, and more. Rutile is also called Angel’s Hair and The Hair of Venus.

Rutile included within quartz energizes and activates movement of energies on all levels, enhancing mental focus. Rutilated quartz is used to determine the causes of mental issues and inhibitions, stabilizing emotional and mental processes, and bringing clarity and understanding to mental patterns and emotional reactions. It is used to diminish fear and anxiety, and to assist one in making choices. Rutile in quartz is also considered to lighten feelings of loneliness and assist one in learning from their mistakes by recognizing them as opportunities for growth, thereby relieving guilt and bringing self acceptance and forgiveness. It is also considered to attract love and stabilize relationships.

Rutilated quartz is helpful when one makes an effort to release old behavior patterns and move forward to new, more positive ways of being. It is useful for teaching one to rely on themselves and find independence, assuring that one does have the answers that are needed when one consciously chooses to quiet the continual doubt and questioning of the conscious mind so the wisdom of the higher mind can be heard and received.

Rutilated quartz is used to more easily attain a state of quiet meditation and enhanced spiritual communication, and assists in dream recall and interpretation. Rutile in quartz averts negative energies and undesirable energetic, psychic, and magical intentions and obstructions.

It is said rutile in quartz is helpful for utilizing nutrients in foods and addressing food disorders, proper immune system function, depression, tissue regeneration, fatigue, respiratory issues, balancing all physical systems, and overall health. It is helpful for unblocking energy flow through the body, and is used to determine the root cause of dis-ease.

The energy of tourmaline naturally cleanses, activates, and enhances the chakras and the energy centers of the physical body, as well as one’s mental and emotional aspects.

Tourmaline facilitates insight and new ideas, and bolsters one’s confidence in oneself. By enhancing comprehension of situations and issues where one may be ignorant, tourmaline helps one to reduce and release fears that may be inhibiting progress and personal expression.

Tourmaline brings the Yin and Yang energies into equilibrium, and also brings the aura, the mind, and the emotions into balance, aligning them with each other and with one’s spiritual nature.

Throughout history various cultures have used tourmaline as a crystal of discernment to determine the actions required to achieve optimal results for situations. It has also been used to reveal the persons and issues which are responsible for the experiences of difficulties and disharmony. Aboriginal, African, and American Indian shamans utilized tourmaline for protecting from all types of physical dangers, and for healing purposes. African shamans also used it to dispel illusions and as a means of understanding and perceiving the aspect of an individual that is the part of the universal whole.

Tourmaline enables one to examine one’s inner self with the understanding that what one experiences within is just as real as one’s external experiences. It inspires perseverance and the will to endure, encouraging one to not only meet adversity with peaceful non-resistance, but also with laughter, and assists one to surrender one’s tendencies to feel persecuted, exploited, and victimized.

Tourmaline brings balance to the right and left hemispheres of the brain and acts to harmonize and intensify energies and actions directed toward healing and manifestation.

Black tourmaline is extremely effective for negating, shielding, and fending off negative energies of all types, including protecting from energetic attacks from others. It has been used to provide protection from spells of malevolent intent, in combination with mica to view the sender while returning the spell to its origin, and with quartz to dissipate the spell while vitalizing the intended victim to increase their health and welfare. 

It can be used to protect one from radiation, and to enhance one’s physical endurance and stamina, emotional balance, and mental functioning. It is also effective in helping one to keep a positive attitude even during difficult and trying situations. Black tourmaline inspires selflessness, and also sensibility during creative processes. 

Black tourmaline also provides grounding, connecting one to the center of the Earth, increasing all aspects of one’s good fortune and health in the physical reality, while protecting from spiritual and physical beings that are not oriented in light, harmony, and love.

Black tourmaline vitalizes the reflex points related to the lower back, and has been used to activate and balance the adrenal glands, as well as to treat confusion, heart dis-ease, arthritis, and dyslexia.

Phantoms in crystals symbolize the many past, present, and future lives we experience, and also the many aspects of our present life. Phantoms also demonstrate the experiences and changes we encounter, the process of learning from the lessons provided, and the potential for growth offered with each experience. The phantoms are a key to understanding the truth and reasons of our life experiences and of our existence, these being more easily understood when one approaches the learning process with the intentions of spiritual growth and evolution. Phantoms in crystals also represent the greater consciousness of the universal whole, and of the inner spiritual reality which is the founding truth of the physical existence.

Crystals included with phantoms are excellent tools for working with the energy of the Earth, bringing purification to the Earth and inspiring people to work together to heal and preserve the Earth on both the physical and spiritual levels. The phantoms within the crystals represent the state of perfect health of the Earth. They can be used to regulate the process of returning the Earth to its ideal condition of being through gentle and peaceful transitions.

Phantoms allow one to connect with and incorporate knowledge from the spiritual and ethereal planes, including the knowledge of ancient civilizations and one’s own past lives. The past life reviews occur in the form of an assessment of knowledge rather than repeating the previous experiences.

Phantoms in crystals are also used to attain a connection with one’s spiritual guides, and the formation is particularly useful for seeking knowledge pertaining to one’s personal experiences from one’s guides. The phantom formation is also helpful in the subsequent review of what was learned during the encounter, and for determining how to utilize the information received. Appropriate amounts of respect, appreciation, patience, and humility/humbleness are encouraged when using the phantom crystals for this purpose, in the same way one would behave with a close and valued friend.

Phantoms in crystals serve to enhance energies being directed towards healing, and for the practice of creation and manifestation on the emotional and physical levels. The energies of crystals with included phantoms are use to enhance clairaudience abilities, and to treat medical situations involving hearing.

Quartz is considered to be a source of Light, and has been named the Perfect Jewel. Referred to by some as the “supreme gift of Mother Earth, it is considered a master healer. Almost every culture throughout history has believed quartz to be a sacred and magical source of power. Aboriginal tribes of Australia and South America share their creation myth of the cosmic serpent being led and guided by a quartz crystal. Indigenous people of North America and Burma believed quartz crystals to be living entities and ritually offered them gifts of food, some believing the crystal had great power to aid in divining and hunting. Central and South American cultures revered quartz crystals carved into the shapes of human skulls as powerful religious objects where deceased ancestors and gods resided.

Quartz is considered to have been a key element in both the rise and fall of the cultures of Atlantis and Lemuria. It has been used by almost every culture for many purposes, including divination, bringing rain, enhancing magical powers, lighting sacrificial fires, as status symbol of high rank and royalty, and for prevention and treatment of dis-ease.

Even in the modern world quartz continues to play an integral part of our everyday lives, including the device you are using now. And it was with a quartz crystal that Sir Isaac Newton discovered the color spectrum of visible light, created as the crystal refracted sunlight shining through it.

Quartz symbolizes sacred fire, purity, and the infinity of space, of patience, and perseverance. Quartz instills harmony and purpose. As it does with the technologies it is used in, quartz amplifies energy, accepts programming, and holds memory, making it the most diversely useful stone for healing, meditation, expanding consciousness, spiritual communication, past and future life recall, and any other desired application. Quartz exemplifies the concept of the saying “With God, all things are possible,” in the sense that when one comes from a position of unconditional love and acts according to the highest good of all involved, one can achieve any desired outcome.

Quartz excels at harmonizing and increasing the energies of other stones, and working to fuse the energies of multiple sources into a cohesive focus, making it ideal for wands, staffs, gridding, and the like. Quartz enhances and disperses light energies in all directions, filling an environment with positive energies that remove negativity, protect the aura, and cancel the harmful effects of radiation and radioactivity. Ancient priests used clear quartz to nullify negative energy, dissolve enchantments and spells, and abolish all black magic.

Physically quartz is a master healer used for any condition. It is considered to stimulate the circulatory and immune systems, bringing vitalizing energy and balance to the body

Emotionally quartz enhances the body’s internal structure and surrounding subtle bodies to further connect the physical body with the mind. Quartz replaces negativity found within with positive thoughts and feelings. Quartz enhances one’s perceptions of the world, increasing consciousness and clear thinking, and gives enhanced energy, dedication, endurance, composure, and patience, bringing the lesson of being loving and finding joy in peaceful coexistence. Clear quartz brings strength and clarity to the mind, boosting concentration and memory while filtering distractions. It is helpful in finding sleep, and helps with the interpretation of messages and lessons experienced in one’s dreams.

Spiritually, quartz crystals are considered to be unique and individual, each with their own personalities and lessons to share. For many people, quartz crystals are the first crystals they find themselves attracted to and in communication with. Many people find quartz crystals to be invaluable tools and companions in their lives, gaining in personal growth and consciousness, light, and positive energy during their experiences of thoughts, actions, feelings, and encountered situations. Quartz is considered to connect the physical and spiritual dimensions, intensifying communication with the Divine, and other-worldly masters, teachers, and healers. Quartz is considered a venerated stone in relation to those who have crossed over in death, with many cultures including quartz in funeral rites, placing it in tombs, urns, and burial sites. Many people consider their personal quartz crystal, sphere, or stones to be intimately connected to them, and consciously direct their essences into the stones for such purposes as storing energies and recording their life experiences, a sort of “Crystal Diary.”

Physically quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. It is considered to stimulate the circulatory and immune systems, bringing vitalizing energy and balance to the body. Quartz has also been used specifically to treat bladder and kidney infections and dysfunctions, and digestive disorders. It has been used to treat and remove the pain and effects of burns of the skin, and is generally effective for any skin disorder. Drunk as an elixir, quartz helps to remove toxins in the body. It can be used to overcome vertigo, and to dispel dizziness and improve balance.

listfirst-34RHODONITE   Pink and black rhodonite is composed of a pink to rose red colored rhodonite and black manganese that can often be replaced by magnesium, calcium, zinc, or iron. Rhodonite was named for its pink color using the Greek word « rhodos » which means rosy.

Rhodonite facilitates the balancing of the yin and yang energies and Earth energies. It promotes and enhances one’s spiritual connection and unity with the universe, and increases one’s sense of belonging. 

Rhodonite is extremely effective for promoting the healthy management of stressful, disorganized, and/or challenging situations. It provides reassurance and instills peace, self confidence, consistency, and rationality, helping to alleviate worry, tension, mistrust, nervousness, and restlessness. It increases one’s level of awareness and mindful attention, amplifying one’s concentration and considerations related to associations and interactions with others, and helps to increase memory recall. It is particularly effective for identifying situations where individuals are behaving dishonestly and subversively, alerting one to the be aware of the motivations and level of honesty of the people one is dealing with.

Rhodonite expresses a loving, warmhearted, and understanding energy, that resonates with, vitalizes, and purifies, the heart chakra. This enables one to understand, accept, and express unconditional love, and empowers and assists one to understand, develop, and actualize one’s inherent abilities while simultaneously centering and grounding one mentally and physically

It helps one to release emotional attachments to events in one’s past by conveying the understanding that the past is powerless to affect one in the present, and by bringing a supportive love which promotes emotional healing. It also helps to resolve the reasons and causes behind self immolation and codependency, empowering one to accept and forgive oneself unconditionally.

Rhodonite inspires harmony and cohesion amongst people by helping to identify and employ the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and attitudes that are ideal for achieving unity. It encourages and lends support to the ideals of orienting one’s life toward being of service to others at all levels, inspiring selflessness, compassion, and sharing.

Rhodonite enables one to remember every person has a purpose and an important reason for existing, and that this purpose will be realized when one makes a sincere effort to accomplish this.

Physically rhodonite has been used to treat arthritis and joint inflammation, autoimmune diseases, stomach ulcers, emphysema, light sensitivity, and sore throats and strep throat infections. Rhodonite helps to heal and to eliminate toxins from the organs, especially the liver, and it has been used to heal and promote optimal health of the organs associate with hearing, the heart, and the lungs. It is used to lessen scarring, to treat insect bites and puncture wounds, to regulate and vitalize the metabolism, and it has been used to increase fertility and to promote healthy growth and healing of the skeletal system and the nervous system.

listfirst-24SELENITE (white)   A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old record keepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.

Selenite enhances the connection of one’s consciousness to the spiritual worlds and the higher consciousness, inspiring one to embrace one’s spiritual nature and to observe and react to the physical experience from this higher aspect. It also enhances one’s recognition and appreciation of oneself, of one’s environment, and of the physical world.

Selenite is conducive to reviewing past lives and exploring possible future lives. It can be used to enable one to see the possible future events one may experience, in this life as well as in future lives, based on where one is currently in one’s experience of the present, and on the decisions and behaviors one chooses. This activity can be facilitated by meditating with selenite, and smoothing a finger or thumb over the crystal, to initiate a reception of visual information. When practising this with a crystal skull, one may achieve the best results by rubbing the third eye area or the spherical portion of the carving.

Selenite can be used to overcome hesitation and shyness, and to dispel predisposed expectations and presumptions, including those that one can be unaware of, which hinder the growth processes. It can also be used to create prosperity and success in business at the physical level. Selenite is conducive to understanding and resolving situations that involve disagreement, and helps to achieve just and fair resolutions. This aspect of selenite is applicable to personal issues as well as legal matters and proceedings.

It allows one to be more accepting and relaxed, and enables one to release the desire to be in control of every detail of every situation, while at the same time instilling confidence and resolve in regards to the choices one makes.  

Selenite provides insight and comprehension, helping one to recognize any obvious aspects as potentially being illusory distractions – and helping one to understand the purpose of these aspects and the reasons they exist. It also helps one to discern the real nature and underlying truths of what is being examined. With this insight, selenite helps one to understand the necessary actions required to find solutions, forgiveness, and/or acceptance.

Selenite can be used to increase longevity. It promotes cellular strengthening, renewal, and regeneration, and can be used to treat and repair damage caused by free radicals, making it useful for treating age spots and wrinkles, sensitivity to light, tumors, and cancers.

Selenite helps to increase the pliancy and resilience of the muscles. It can be used to treat skeletal and bone malformations, issues and symptoms brought about by dental amalgam fillings containing mercury, and potential mercury poisoning, and to treat the various aspects of/caused by epilepsy. It can be used to bring the spine into alignment. One method for achieving this is moving a sample of selenite from the back of the head to the base of the spine to regulate the flow of energy, and moving the sample in the opposite direction to create a free and unobstructed flow of energy.

Among minerals and crystals, selenite is a softer material and should be handled and treated kindly to avoid damaging it. The fibrous structure of selenite allows it to transmit light from one side of a specimen to the opposing side; the light being conducted through the length of the fibers.

listfirst-35SODALITE   Sodalite enhances one’s intellectual and practical thought processes, and brings clarity and understanding to situations. It helps to balance and attune one’s intellectual perceptions to different types of events and circumstances.

It inspires happiness, positive expression, and optimism, helping one to remain emotionally calm and centered, and helping to increase the quality of one’s attitudes and interactions experienced in daily life. Sodalite also assists one to genuinely and gently express one’s true thoughts and emotions without the fear of needing to be untruthful in order to protect oneself from vulnerability, or to be untruthful to protect others from being hurt. It enables one to see and know oneself honestly, and to understand that sharing one’s feelings and thoughts in a gentle and honest way will inevitably be the best possible choice.

Sodalite is conducive to harmonizing and unifying groups of people, encouraging cooperation, teamwork, agreement, and oneness. It helps to orient all members of a collective toward the same specific desired outcome by increasing the understanding that when many people are working together the end result will be far greater than what it may be if people were in disagreement about the process, methods, and the resulting achievement.  

Sodalite can also be used to inspire independence and self reliance, enhancing one’s self esteem and confidence. It helps one to understand the importance of relying on others, and oneself, with the faith and trust that it is safe to do so. It also helps one to release the causes which lead one to experience codependency. Similarly, sodalite helps people involved in relationships maintain their self reliance as well as their trust in others, and encourages equality and a reciprocal and shared approach to interactions. Sodalite also enables one to perceive truth and reality by dispelling illusion and deception.

Sodalite facilitates the connection between the conscious mental awareness and the spiritual consciousness, enabling one to access the spiritual knowledge and truths that are inherently understood as the spirit is one with these. The information can be reviewed by practicing stillness or meditation and opening oneself to feel how the emotions, mind, and physical body are affected.

Sodalite is used for the removal of toxins and pollutants from the body, for treating complications related to digestion and the metabolism of the glands, and to speed the improvement from issues caused by calcium deficiencies. It can be used to relieve fevers, lower the blood pressure, fortify the immune system, and stimulate optimal health of the throat, larynx, and vocal cords. Sodalite is used to treat panic attacks and anxiousness, to bring mental clarity, calm, and order, to reduce and relieve phobias and fear, and to treat insomnia. Sodalite is also used to negate electromagnetic radiation pollution from its environment.

listfirst-28SUGILITE OR LUVULITE   Sugilite makes it easier to become accepting of others and to be present in the here and now. It is wonderful for situations where there is a possibility that anger, disappointment or conflict could prevail. It removes negativity, supports a feeling of well being, and empowers co-creation. Sugilite protects against, absorbs, and dissipates anger, hurt and other unwanted negative energies. It is a nurturing and balancing stone at all levels. Sugilite is truly a stone of the New Age.

Sugilite is one of the most beautiful and beneficial crystals available today. A fairly recent discovery, it was first described by Dr. Ken-ichi Sugi who discovered it in Japan in 1944. Since it’s discovery it has also been found in Canada, Australia, South Africa, Italy, Australia, and India. Named after Dr. Sugi, the proper pronunciation of the name is said with a hard G sound, as the g in good is pronounced, rather than the J sound that is commonly used. Despite its global occurrence, sugilite remains a rare and highly sought after gem.

Sugilite is a perfect example of a stone of love. It resonates the perfection of the spiritual love of Creation, and teaches one to share this amazing energy in the physical plane.

Sugilite acts as a conduit for spiritual energies, assisting in the clearing of the chakral systems and allowing for the Kundalini awakening and consequential enlightenment and connection with the Divine. It is especially useful for activating the heart chakra, resulting in an energetic expression of loving energy that vibrates at the same rate as the energy of the perfect state of the universe.

Sugilite is a master stone of spirituality, connecting one to one’s own spiritual existence and allowing one to gain a spiritual perspective of one’s physical reality. By doing this, sugilite assists one to understand one’s life purpose, bringing clarity to the true lessons one is to learn and the true reasons for one’s physical existence, thereby making clear the understanding of how one can achieve these purposes. Sugilite promotes forgiveness of the self and of others, and instills the realization of what great value the process of forgiveness has in the universe, which is to clear away discordant energy to make room for the energy of unconditional love.

Sugilite conveys a sense of freedom and joy, bringing enthusiasm, self-reliance, and inspiration. It amplifies one’s creativity and imaginative processes, enhances mental processes, and facilitates deeper spiritual connections by harmonizing the functioning of one’s spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental aspects. Sugilite incites the attainment of unconditional love and acceptance, and so facilitates the changes that come when one begins to make life decisions based on these principles.

Meditation with sugilite can bring about remarkable revelations, including information about what possibilities may be realized with further exploration and meditation while using sugilite as a tool. Sugilite expedites the enhancement of one’s psychic abilities, especially the practice of channeling.

Sugilite protects one during the experience of the difficult lessons of physical existence, allowing for the understanding that a soul has chosen to be a teacher when one sees a person who undergoes trauma and tragedy. Similarly, sugilite reminds one that one’s personal misfortunes and struggles are necessary if they are to accomplish the achievements the soul has prepared for during this incarnation. Sugilite reminds one that the true question is never, « Why did this happen to me? » but rather, « What can I learn from this? » Sugilite helps one to see the positive aspect of seemingly negative experiences, and reassures that eventually a greater good will be realized. It encourages one to meet these challenges, responding with loving acceptance, and forgiveness for oneself and for others.

Sugilite is particularly helpful for the person that feels out of place or like they don’t belong. It brings comfort and solace with the knowledge that one does not need to be accepted or understood by others to be perfectly oneself, and reassures that one is indeed already perfect.

Sugilite helps the frustrated mind release negativity and encourages happiness and optimism by effectively eradicating feelings of despair, frustration, and discouragement. It brings relaxation, calming peace, and council from the spiritual world to the mind. It is an excellent crystal for removing any negative feelings and thoughts directed toward oneself or others, including anger, prejudice, judgment, aggression, resentment, and antipathy.

Sugilite is excellent for dream work and dream recall, and can help one in the practice of lucid dreaming. It can be used to create a protective barrier around one’s aura and body to protect from negativity directed toward the wearer and from energy drains.

Sugilite is effective at treating all forms of dis-ease and physical, mental, and emotional discord. It helps one to recognize the intimate connection between the health of the body and the health of the mind and how one cannot be changed without the other also being affected.

Healing energy is drawn in and intensified by sugilite. It has been used to treat schizophrenia, autism and dyslexia and can be helpful with other learning disorders and mental issues. It also protects from nightmares and eliminates insomnia and other sleep related disorders. Sugilite eliminates stress and emotional blockages.

Sugilite provides support and protection during the healing process. It has been used for the treatment of Cancers, among other dis-eases, has been used to remedy inflammations, and bring health and balance to the adrenal, pineal, and pituitary glands. It can be used to relieve pain and headaches, and it assists the body in the elimination of toxins.

listfirstTIGER EYE   Tiger eye synchronizes the Sun and Earth energies, and so is useful for combining the elemental forces of fire and earth. It is useful for centering and grounding, bringing stability, equilibrium, preciseness, and acuity to situations when needed. It is conducive to logical thinking and acting with discretion, encouraging an intelligent and sensible consideration of situations. Tiger eye is also used to promote prosperity and to generate and cultivate material abundance.

Tiger eye enhances intuition and psychic talents and aids one in aligning with, and working through, the third eye. Tiger eye’s energy working through the base chakra brings a conscious ability to control one’s emotional and sexual behaviors, thoughts, and expressions, and encourages practicality and positivity regarding these matters. Working at the solar plexus chakra, it enhances one’s intuition and sense of knowing, helping one to recognize the personal physical sensations that signal the intuitive experience.

Tiger eye shares an energy of passionate appreciation for life, beauty, and purity. It incites an enthusiastic joy for the natural beauty of nature and the world, and the beauty of all of the expressions of creation, including the beauty in every aspect of other people. Tiger eye also allows one to perceive this beauty in the things that were once considered to have no redeeming qualities. While increasing focus on the things that are required by others, it brings into perspective that which is needed for oneself, allowing one to comprehend the very different experiences of wanting and having. It promotes the ideas and behaviors that result in the harmonizing of humanity, encouraging emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that lead to the greater good of all. It aligns one with, and completes the connection between, the individual consciousness and the collective super consciousness.

Tiger eye is effective for alleviating depression and self defeating attitudes, advocating a positive confidence and a peaceful calm. It encourages one to move forward and do what is necessary to obtain knowledge and information, and to make connections with other consciousnesses, during meditations.

Tiger eye brings order to chaotic and complicated situations, assisting to more easily comprehend the greater picture and to determine the most appropriate course of action necessary to achieve optimal results. It helps to address and resolve recurring thought patterns that cause confusion, anxiety, and disruption. It helps one to accept one’s imprecise assumptions and beliefs, and to perceive these issues clearly, bringing about the understanding of the lessons to be learned from matters of contention. Tiger eye balances the « opposing hemispheres of the brain, » bringing a harmony that allows for logic and reasoning to enhance creativity, and vice versa, while also preventing either of these to be limited by the other.

Tiger eye assists one to overcome anxiety, confusion, fears, and the desire for reclusion, leading one to discover and experience contentedness, peace, and new and joyful realities. It promotes the feelings and expressions of freedom, dispelling the idea that one is restrained by one’s responsibilities, and helps one to see these as positive and beneficial, creating progress in regards to personal growth. 

Tiger eye is used to correct medical issues related to diverticular conditions, the reproductive system, the healing of broken bones, the alignment of the spinal column, the throat, and the eyes, and has also been used to enhance night vision.

listfirst-20TOURMALINE   The energy of tourmaline naturally cleanses, activates, and enhances the chakras and the energy centers of the physical body, as well as one’s mental and emotional aspects.

Tourmaline facilitates insight and new ideas, and bolsters one’s confidence in oneself. By enhancing comprehension of situations and issues where one may be ignorant, tourmaline helps one to diminish and release fears that may be inhibiting progress and personal expression.

Tourmaline brings equilibrium to the yin and yang energies, and also brings the aura, the mind, and the emotions into balance, aligning them with each other and with one’s spiritual nature.

Throughout history various cultures have used tourmaline as a crystal of discernment to determine the actions required to achieve optimal results for situations. It has also been used to reveal the persons and issues which are responsible for the experiences of difficulties and disharmony. Aboriginal, African, and American Indian shamans utilized tourmaline for protection from all types of physical dangers, and for healing purposes. African shamans have also used it to dispel illusions and as a means of understanding and perceiving the aspect of an individual that is the part of the universal whole.

Tourmaline enables one to examine one’s inner self with the understanding that what one experiences within is just as real as one’s external experiences. It inspires perseverance and the will to endure, encouraging one to not only meet adversity with peaceful non-resistance, but to also maintain a positive and cheerful attitude, and assists one to surrender one’s tendencies to feel persecuted, exploited, and victimized.

Tourmaline brings balance to the right and left hemispheres of the brain and acts to harmonize and intensify energies and actions directed toward healing and manifestation.

Black tourmaline is extremely effective for negating, shielding, and fending off negative energies of all types, including protecting from energetic attacks from others. It has been used to provide protection from spells of malevolent intent, and, in combination with mica, to view the sender while returning the spell to its origin, and with quartz to dissipate the spell while vitalizing the intended victim to increase their health and welfare.  

It can be used to protect one from radiation, and to enhance one’s physical endurance and stamina, emotional balance, and mental functioning. It is also effective in helping one to keep a positive attitude even during difficult and trying situations. Black tourmaline inspires selflessness, and also sensibility during creative processes.  

Black tourmaline also provides grounding, connecting one to the center of the Earth, increasing all aspects of one’s good fortune and health in the physical reality, while protecting from spiritual and physical beings that are not oriented in light, harmony, and love.

Black tourmaline vitalizes the reflex points related to the lower back, and has been used to activate and balance the adrenal glands, as well as to treat confusion, heart dis-ease, arthritis, and dyslexia.

listfirst-21TURQUOISE   Turquoise is an energetically powerful stone which is particularly useful for issues pertaining to communication, friendship, protection, spirituality, and healing at all levels, including mental, emotional, energetic, physical, and spiritual health. It acts to amplify and enhance all energies. Turquoise possesses an energy which acts to harmonize and enhance, affecting one’s various energetic systems, including the chakral system, the auric body, the meridians of the physical body, one’s emotions, and the mind. Turquoise regulates the energies of, and connects the physical body with, the emotional and mental states, and higher consciousness. It also facilitates one’s synchronization with the Earth and the Cosmos, balances the yin and yang energies, and establishes a more clear and in depth understanding of the spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects, providing for purification and clarity. Turquoise establishes a connection with the earth and sky energies, and has been used for bringing rain and cloud busting.

Turquoise is particularly effective for activating the brow, throat, heart, and sacral chakras, facilitating the expression of love and empowering one to communicate with genuine heartfelt sincerity. Turquoise activates and balances the brow chakra promoting understanding and wisdom, enhancing creativity and the intuition, and facilitating the psychic connection with the greater universal consciousness. Acting to stimulate and cleanse the throat chakra, turquoise enables open and clear communication, and inspires creative expression, serenity, spiritual bonding, and positivity. Turquoise serves to enable one to communicate clearly and succinctly, helping one to adapt one’s expression in a way that is easily understood by those being addressed. At the heart chakra it enhances one’s loving outlook and compassion, and encourages one to graciously and comfortably receive what others offer. Through the heart chakra, turquoise inspires love, kindness, and generosity. By activating the sacral chakra, turquoise enhances and balances the emotional processes and feelings, helps one to be present in the current moment, and allows for the experience of connection, intimacy, and pleasure.  

Turquoise acts to promote spiritual harmony, to dissolve negativity and to impart positivity and peace, and enhances and assists the development of the intuitive and psychic abilities. Turquoise inspires compassion, patience, and benevolence, and increases one’s awareness and appreciation of the beauty and sanctity of all things.

Turquoise is renowned in many cultures as a stone of protection. It inspires courage during new experiences which present uncertainty and unpredictability, promoting independence and providing reassurance and protection. It has been used to prevent experiencing accidents and to protect the body, material possessions, the home, and the environment. It is also useful for protecting one from environmental pollutants and electromagnetic radiation. Throughout history turquoise has been used to protect from the evil eye.

Turquoise is an excellent conductor of spiritual energy and connectivity. It increases and intensifies the aspects and effectiveness of meditation. It energizes and provides protection and grounding during astral travel and vision questing, helping to keep the conscious mind connected to the physical body while enhancing the synthesis with the spiritual realities and preventing disturbance from distractions and one’s errant mental activity. Turquoise also serves to join those in the physical world together in harmony.

The energy of turquoise profoundly affects healing at all levels. It promotes the state of optimal health, harmony, and balance of energies in every aspect of one’s being, addressing discordant energies and disorders of the physical body, of the mind, and of the emotions. Turquoise energizes and bolsters the body, and can be used to address the causes and symptoms of all forms of dis-ease.  

Turquoise alleviates headache and general pain and discomfort. It prevents, treats, and heals infections, wounds, and other damage to the physical body, and encourages tissue regeneration. Turquoise enhances the metabolization of vitamins and minerals, stimulates the circulatory systems affect on the muscular system, prevents and treats issues of the skeletal system and teeth, and promotes the proper functioning of the jaw and associated structures, being useful for treating temporomandibular joint disorders.

Turquoise helps to remedy issues of the eyes, and can be very effective for treating cataracts. It is useful for treating issues related to one’s hearing and enhances the sense of balance and coordination when standing and walking. It addresses disorders and dis-ease of the throat and the lungs, and can be used to treat asthma.

Turquoise helps to relieve inflammations and other issues of the skin that are caused by distress and anxiety. It can reduce high blood pressure, helping to alleviate stress, fears, and depression. It is useful for overcoming conditions of low self image and helps to address disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. It helps to conquer the challenges of substance abuse, and is useful as a detoxicant to treat inebriation and similar effects caused by drugs, alcohol, pollution, poison, and radiation from x-rays, the sun, and electronics.

Hello to my friends from here and elsewhere,

I created this Facebook group GUARDIANS OF THE CRYSTAL SKULLS because it’s a passion that I saw from the mid 90′.  We are more than 2000 members.  The group is bilingual, French and English in all countries.

On the planet, we are many people to live the interest of crystal skulls. The skulls are ancient or contemporary from here or from elsewhere and there is a little something who awakens in us strange perceptions when we are near them.

Become the Gardians of the Crystal Skulls, our crystalline family, she’s there to open our Gates on unsuspected worlds in a waking consciousness.

Welcome my new friends and I hope to see you there to share from all regions of our beautiful Mother-earth…

By meditations or our shares that this group allows us to grow and evolve to live the universality.

God Bless you, and let us continue to dialogue to find ways to help each other for the benefit of Mother Earth and all life upon her.

You are welcome…

Peace & Light always



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